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In-Depth Professional Development

When you are ready to go deeper into digital citizenship topics (and maybe even earn some grad credit along the way!) check out these options from me and my trusted colleagues and partners.

Person in chair wearing a VR headset
Learn to Teach News Literacy

FREE, on-demand lessons on quality journalism, the misinformation landscape, understanding bias and more. Participants have the option to earn NLP’s News Literacy Educator Certificate and a digital badge upon completion of the foundational material. When completed, this certificate reflects six hours of professional learning content.

Person in chair wearing a VR headset
Teaching Media Literacy Skills in a Fake News World

You’ll learn proven ways to more effectively teach critical media literacy skills in your classrooms and libraries, so you are better equipped to lead your students through savvy dissections and informed discussions.

Person in chair wearing a VR headset
Digital Citizenship with the Edvolve Framework

This course helps educators use the Edvolve framework to understand and teach digital citizenship. This course is perfect for any teacher, leader, coach, or LMS looking to add or elevate #DigCit in their classroom, library, or school system!

Person in chair wearing a VR headset
Digital Citizenship in Action

You’ll learn how to teach and model digcit so you can help students be responsible and active in online communities. The course starts with the basics and moves outward to guide you in exploring various sets of learning standards, identifying frameworks for digcit education, integrating digcit across content areas, and even sharing how students can connect online to participate.

Person in chair wearing a VR headset
Certificate in Teaching Media Literacy

This certificate is built on the premise that media literacy education is paramount to full participation in a democratic society and that all students deserve practice with these skills under the guidance of a dedicated and trained educator. 12 credits of online synchronous classes.

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